To Nobamaki Big Bang 2022-2023

    Until Writer Sign-Ups Close!


    Nobamaki Big Bang is a fan event focusing on the relationship between Nobara Kugisaki and Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen. The nature of this relationship is completely up to you! Since this is a Big Bang, we call upon writers and artists that wish to contribute in the creation of content starring these two amazing characters. This is a non-competitive event, meaning everyone who wishes to participate will be automatically accepted as long as they sign-up within the established schedule!For this year's round, the minimum word count for writers is 3,000 words, and the minimum for artists is flat colors or equivalent.


    mod appsJul 29th - Aug 11thclosed
    twitter pollAug 5th - Aug 11thclosed
    mod apps e-mails sentAug 13thdone
    writer sign-upsAug 22nd - Sept 25thopen
    artist sign-upsAug 22nd - Sept 25thopen
    beta sign-upsAug 22nd - Sept 25thopen
    pinch hitter sign-upsAug 22nd - Oct 2ndopen
    summary submissionssept 26th - Oct 2ndpending
    summary claimingOct 3rd - oct 9thpending
    team announcementsOct 12thpending
    creation periodOct 13th - Jan 23rdpending
    First Check-InNov 7th - Nov 13thpending
    Drop-out deadlineDec 1stpending
    Second Check-InDec 5th - Dec 11thpending
    Final Check-InJan 2nd - Jan 8thpending
    postingJan 23rd - TBDpending



    Head and General mod.
    Did an uquiz on what type of character I'd be and got "Dead/Going To Die." Equal parts funny as hell and utterly devastating.Favorite JJK moment:
    "I have no qualms scoring 100 points"

    Head and Graphics mod.
    Goes "You know what would be a great idea?" before saying something either too angsty or that needs too much work. Hates work.Favorite JJK moment:
    "Please destroy everything. And I mean everything..."

    General mod.
    I like stories even when the stories cause me pain. I use fanfic to help me cope.Favorite JJK moment:
    "You've got it from here."

    Social Media mod.
    — “why just exist when you can exist and worship maki at the same time?”Favorite JJK moment:
    Yuuta meeting Maki, Toge and Panda for the first time


    What is a Big Bang?
    A Big Bang is a fandom event in which writers and artists collaborate to create new content for the Bang’s theme. The aim of a Bang is to encourage collaboration between the creatives of the fandom, to increase the amount of content for the fandom, and to provide a joyful environment where we, as creatives, thrive from community.
    This year we'll be running a Big Bang, meaning writers will come up with an idea, write a summary and then artists will claim said summaries.What do we mean by Nobamaki?
    Even though this question might seem silly, we wish to clarify that this event is for all Nobamaki content. This includes but doesn’t limit to queerplatonic partners Nomabaki, romantic Nobamaki and poly Nobamaki. Is Nobara dating Maki and Yuuji at the same time? We love it for her!
    Are the moderators 18+?
    Yes. All moderators are 18+.
    Can we sign-up with a pre-paired partner?
    Yes! If you already have a writer/artist/beta with whom you wish to collaborate for the event, that’s okay. There will be a space in claiming forms for you to let us know!
    How much is the minimum word count?
    The minimum word count will be 3,000 words.
    Note that there is no limit to how much you can write, but please keep in mind all works must meet the minimum word count by the end of the posting period. Chaptered fics will be allowed and if the fic is part of a series, it must be able to be read as a stand alone.What constitutes a finished artwork?
    A finished artwork must be at least flat colors, or the equivalent. We know this can be relative to the artists’ artstyle, and we don’t expect, for example, paintings from artists who work with minimalist styles. However, a degree of finishidness is expected and required. No sketches and incomplete artworks are allowed, as this is a collaboration between writers and artists where both must submit complete, finished works. If you have any further doubts, feel free to shoot us a message in any of our social media!
    What kind of content is allowed?
    There are NO CONTENT RESTRICTIONS. We only ask you tag appropriately. Furthermore, all collaborators who wish to submit or engage with NSFW content must be 18+ no exceptions. The lower age limit for the event is 16+
    What do we mean by NSFW or potentially triggering topics?
    NSFW content that falls in the category of being sexual, graphically violent, or contains nudity. Basically, as its name indicates, anything that wouldn’t be appropriate to see or read during a break at your workplace. Due to the nature of Jujutsu Kaisen, we understand that the content based on the source material might be gory and violent, this will be okay as long as it is tagged accordingly.
    What happens if we don’t tag appropriately or miss a tag?
    The mods will be in contact with you. We will hopefully catch some tags that you might miss, but please try to tag as best you can. If needed, please review Archive Of Our Own’s faq on tags, including the rating system.
    How will you make sure that all NSFW and adult content creators are 18+?
    We will ask all participants who wish to sign up if they are 18+. We will not ask for your specific age, we just want to know if you are an adult in accordance with the content that you will create. There will also be an option to not answer this question, but be aware that this will forbid you from engaging in any 18+ spaces in the fest. This includes the content you will be allowed to engage with within the fest and the server channels we’ve set up.
    Since we are in an internet community, there’s a certain degree of anonymity that makes it impossible for us to go through a process that would make absolutely sure that they are being truthful. Thus, we wish to trust all our participants as much as they trust us with the management of this event. However, if we find out that any participant lied about being an adult, they will be permanently banned from the Nobamaki Big Bang and any other events that we may conduct in the future.Is the Nobamaki Bang a one-time event?
    This will be the second year! Check out the works of Season 1.
    What is the extension policy?
    Since this is a collaboration event, we will go through any extension requested by our creatives on a case by case basis. We will do anything in our hands to make sure that all fic and artwork are finished by the posting date. If you run into any issues with abiding by the deadlines established in our schedule, please send us a message as soon as possible.
    What is the policy for drop-outs?
    Drop-outs are possible within the timeframes established in our schedule. This schedule was worked out in order for us to ensure that, if the situation arises in which either the artist or the writer needs to drop out, their partner will still have someone to work with. Please take a look at the schedule and plan ahead so that you don’t run into any time-frame issues, but if you do, please let us know as soon as you can.
    What is the banning policy?
    We will ban any participants that engage in abusive behaviours and harassment. Creators that lie about being an adult for the event will also be banned.
    You have any questions not answered here?
    Please send us a message through any of our socials or Retrospring